Surveillance – Observation Interludium FII

Our 24/7 observation team consists out of former police, military police and Intelligence Agency specialists and specializes in dynamic observation. The team operates cross-border and utilizes the latest and most advanced equipment.

Interludium FII Surveillance

The pursuit and observation of a person and/or a vehicle in a busy city requires different techniques, actions and vehicles as opposed to in a rural environment. Hence, dependent on the situation, the team could use cars, motorcycles and scooters. Occasionally, it can happen that a person requires an aerial detachment on his journey abroad. In such cases, a foreign partner is contacted who, in collaboration with our team’s own specialist will manage the observation accordingly.

Daily updates Surveillance

You will be provided with updates on a daily basis upon request and modifications are always negotiable.

Reporting on Surveillance

As a matter of course, the results of any inquiry will be documented in a report and include video footage. These can also be used in any type of legal action.

“For proper observation, a two-man team is required, however, flexibility and improvisation are an equally important part of such processes.”

In order to prevent unexpected financial consequences, our team works at fixed day- and/or night-week rates so that our clients know what to expect.

Our team specializes in the following types of cases:

Large international counterfeit enforcement

International intelligence services

International transports

Oil companies

Substantial fraud cases


There is increasing trend of people in high ranking corporate management positions that face threats, extortion and stalking. If desired, we can provide you with close protection within 24-hours.

Try us and find yourself

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